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Teeth are naturally white, but over time, the enamel can discolor. It could be something you ate or drank, medication you take, or just time itself that causes teeth to stain or yellow. Tooth whitening is a simple way to bring the shine back to your teeth.

Should your teeth whitening be done at the dentist, or should you try to do it yourself with a home kit? Here are some things to consider before you make your choice.

How Does Tooth Whitening Work?

First, you want to understand the process. In most cases, whitening involves bleaching the enamel of the teeth. This is true whether you get professional whitening done in the dentist’s office or use a home product.

Why At-Home Treatments Are Not as Effective

The primary difference between the at-home and teeth whitening at the dental office is the strength of the bleaching solution. The stronger solution provided in a professional whitening will likely offer better results.

Also, consistency is an issue with at-home products. Some at-home whitening products, such as toothpaste, use an abrasive to clean your teeth. In other words, they try to sand off the stains, potentially damaging the enamel.

This isn’t the same thing as tooth whitening. In most cases, it won’t drastically affect the color of enamel; it just removes some surface stains, usually caused by food. In fact, that abrasion can damage the enamel.

Talk to Your Dentist for the Best Results

Whether you plan to use an at-home whitening product or get professional whitening, your dentist is the first person you should talk to. A professional will advise you on which option is best for you and discuss the safety issues with at-home tooth-whitening kits.

Let Dr. Eric Wiitala Give Your Smile a Makeover

If you want top-notch results, you need a dental professional like Dr. Eric Wiitala. Dr. Wiitala is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, and the Arizona Dental Board.

Make an appointment with Dr. Wiitala for professional teeth whitening in just two office treatments. Call 480-657-3650 or use the convenient online form, and someone will contact you.

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